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Protecting your Electronics from EMPs

The progress made through technology has also seen the birth of new types of threats never seen before. This is demonstrated by something like the electromagnetic pulse (EMP). This is normally a short burst of electromagnetic energy, which can occur in nature, or be man-made, where it is created intentionally as a weapon. In nature, a good example is a lightning strike, which can be large enough to cause physical harm.

An EMP burst can affect your electronics, where it fries the electronic chips inside. You therefore need to have adequate protection for your electronics. The fact that you need to move about with them means that this protection has to be mobile. A faraday bag has the ability to block any transmissions from outside into the technology pieces you carry in it. Its design is based on the Faraday cages, which were used by the prominent scientist in the past to block electromagnetic fields or pulses from reaching what he stored in there.

There are many electronic pulses that do not cause harm, and several that are even used in communication. They are unfortunately able to be interfered with and hacked. This is where the Faraday bags come in. There are so many devices and tools around us that can transmit EMPs. This means that our gadgets are both capable of and vulnerable to attacks with the EMPs. This can be accidental, or intentional. Either way, you may end up with a damaged device, or lose all your data from one well-aimed pulse. Whenever you are not using those devices, it is strongly recommended that you store them in the Faraday bags. You need to also keep any device not actively connected on airplane mode.

There are all manner of shapes and sizes for these bags in the market. There will, therefore, be something suitable for you to use when you need to store something. While there is limited chance you will ever be intentionally attacked, it helps to know that even accidental pulses shall not set you back a long way. Apart from the electronics you have, these bags will also prevent the loss of data in your cards, such as the ATM card, or your driver’s license.

It is, therefore, a wise move to have a Faraday bag, especially if you happen to move about with devices such as your laptop, tablet, smartphone, car keys, and even the cards. You do not need to worry that you will be left with an unusually looking bag, as these bags look just a stylish as the latest releases in the market. They shall have an inner lining made of the protective material, which is what will keep the pulses out in case there is an attack, or in case one goes off accidentally.

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